The Nominating and Election Committee is a standing committee of five members empowered by the LPTW by-laws to organize and execute the election process for officers and board members. It is crucial that the work of the committee is strictly confidential due to the sensitive nature of the activities.
Each year, notice of the upcoming elections is communicated to the membership by the end of February along with names of the committee members to contact if members are interested in being nominated for either an officer position or a place on the board.
Any full-member in good standing who wishes to run for any office or place on the Board has the right to do so and should contact a member of the Nominating and Election Committee to inform them of such interest. The slate will include those members as well as the recommendations of the Nominating and Election Committee. Nominees are invited to address the membership at the April Annual Meeting prior to the ballot distribution in May.
Per the bylaws, all officer and board candidates must have been full members in good standing for at least one year to be eligible to run. Current Nominating and Election Committee members do not qualify to run.
All officer candidates must have served at least one year as a member of the Board, have been advised of the duties and responsibilities of the position that the member has agreed to stand for election, and agreed to fulfill those duties of the office.
Anyone interested in serving on the Nominating and Election Committee should contact the chair and will be placed on the waiting list for an opening to serve.
Please see the by-laws for specifics about the number and composition of officer and board positions and terms, as well as the procedures for filling vacancies, etc.